Dog Obedience Training Classes

Dog Obedience Training Classes

Coronavirus Update: Due to social distancing measures, I am not currently offering group lessons. I am, however, still able to offer 1-2-1 lessons. These take place outside in the fresh air where it is perfectly possible to keep a safe distance. I am also continuing to offer residential training. Call me for more information. 

Maximise your enjoyment of your dog, whether a family pet or a working dog, by using consistent training techniques to establish good behaviour.

Basic training is essential for every dog; it establishes a bond between you and lays a strong foundation for a happy life with your dog, opening doors to all kinds of other activities. I provide Virtual Dog Training, which are particularly suitable for those with new puppies, allowing you to start basic training before your dog has even left the house.

I offer dog obedience classes that bring together small groups of like-minded people - numbers are limited so that you have the time and tuition to effectively train your dog. I have a range of training facilities, included covered amenities so we can train in all weathers. The classes include puppy socialisation, basic, intermediate and advanced dog obedience so there will be one that suits you and your dog. I love to see happy dogs and owners and welcome younger owners to my classes, who often make excellent handlers.

Call today for more information & bookings

...Seeing my dogs respond within minutes to Damian confirmed I had made the right choice for training...

Wendy with Lola the Jack Russell x Yorkshire Terrier & Roxie the Labrador x Pointer